The horse is a herd animal, meaning they want and need to live together in groups. Wild horses form family units call “bands.” In domestication, horses form these family units with whatever horses they are standing with. The bond of friendship and support that is built between horses is the most durable, most crucial connection of their existence. In this Animal Communication session, the need for that connection came through Rubble to me in a powerful way.
My husband, Robert, and I took a wonderful trip to Scotland in December to celebrate a 30th wedding anniversary with some dear friends who bought and renovated Borthwick Castle just outside Edinburgh. As always, I look for horses to meet while I am traveling. As fate would have it, there was a couple who lived on a beautiful estate with their five horses just next to the castle, who graciously agreed to have me over for a visit. When Jane Lowe came to pick me up, we quickly found that we have a special bond: her last name, “Lowe,” is my maiden name! I was also surprised that they knew that I did intuitive animal communication, which opened the door for me to connect with their horses on a much deeper level. All of their horses are Thoroughbreds, rescued from the racing industry.
Jane is an advanced dressage rider, and her husband, Duncan, is also an accomplished equestrian.
Jane and Duncan took me on a tour of their five horses in their barn, and I had the privilege of intuitively connecting with each of them. Four of the horses were stalled beside each other in front of the barn. Their oldest horse, Rubble, was stalled in the back of the barn, separate from the other horses. He had recently suffered an injury to a rear leg from kicking the walls of his stall; therefore, he was moved to a larger stall to lessen the chances of re-injuring his leg.
The moment I walked into his stall, I started crying uncontrollably. (This happens to me when I feel big emotion in an animal.) At first, I could not discern the source of this sadness until Duncan shared that he thought Rubble was not doing well because he was separated from his herd. His former stall was located right next to his stablemates, where he could see, smell, and communicate with them. As soon as Duncan shared his concern, I knew this was a big part of the sadness I felt.
Rubble was deeply missing his horse companions. I recommended that they move Rubble back to his original stall, which they did, and I received an email from Jane saying things were going well.
Three weeks later, I received an email from Jane saying that Rubble had passed. She wrote,” I am so glad you came and got me to move him, so he was next to his friends as he must have wanted.”
Then I understood the big emotion I had felt in Rubble’s presence. He was asking to be with his herd, companions, and family so that he could pass in good company. When we empathize with our animal companions and listen to them deeply with our intuition, they will share with us what they want and need through the feelings and messages that come to us through our hearts.