• Are we a good fit? Book a FREE 30 Minute Consultation!

  • Upcoming workshop dates and info will be posted here soon!

  • Are we a good fit? Book a FREE 30 Minute Consultation!

  • Learn more about intuitive animal coaching offerings, costs, and how to schedule. GO >

Heart-Centered Coaching

“Committing yourself to unconditional happiness will teach you everything there is to learn about yourself, others, and the nature of life.” —Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul.

Who did you come here to be in this lifetime? What is your purpose? What are your dreams and desires? What is breaking your heart right now? What fills your heart with love and joy?

Work with me to build self-confidence and courage, develop emotional and heart intelligence, increase self-awareness and presence, and receive the awakening of insights not yet realized.

My purpose in coaching relationships is to awaken and energize the love, light, beauty, and joy in and around you all the time. Together we will peel away the layers of disempowering beliefs, fears, behaviors, habits, biases, opinions, or traumas from the past that keep you from experiencing happiness, fulfillment, and the success you deserve.

I will introduce methodologies of HeartMath ®, ontological coaching, intelligence in nature, body/mind practices, intuition, emotional intelligence, heart intelligence, indigenous traditions, and shamanistic rituals to gently guide you into mental and physical alignment and harmony with your perfect natural self.

Together we will assemble a “toolbox” of practices you can use in times of stress, anxiety, doubt, and fear or when you need grounding, confidence, and clarity.

Participate in a nature immersion, an equine-guided coaching session with me here at the ranch, or share a shamanic journey, soul retrieval, ritual, or ceremony via Zoom or in person!

Coaching Plans and Costs:

  1. 3 Months of Coaching: $1,400

  2. 6 Months of Coaching: $2,800

  3. 12 Months of Coaching: $5,600             

All plans include:

  • Two one-hour coaching calls per month 

  • Pre-meeting prep, research, and scheduling time 

  • Access to me between coaching calls as needed

Additional offerings at Gates of Inanna Ranch

  • Equine-guided coaching session: $400

  • 1-day Nature Immersion: $1,600

  • 2-day Nature Immersion: $3,200

*Costs of food, supplies, and lodging are not included.

Schedule a complimentary introductory 30-minute Zoom call where we will:

1. Get to know each other better, ask and answer questions, and ensure we’re a natural fit!

2. Discuss the length of time and the elements you would like to experience.

3. Review your custom plan and costs.

I am also a certified Newfield Network © life coach, equine-guided coach, HeartMath© mentor, team facilitator, shaman, and grief counselor. Learn more about my background and all of the services I offer.