Dark Beauty (Video)
The Controversy and Complexity
of Managing Our Wild Horses
This talk is the first of many that I want to give on the complexities of managing our wild horses. Currently, there are 67,000 wild horses roaming the land in 10 western states. The land they live on is becoming seriously depleted. There are another 43,000 wild horses standing in holding facilities across our great nation.
This talk explores the multi-faceted history of how we got to this point, and the opportunity for creative thinking and strong-hearted decisions that are needed to address the Dark Beauty that exists in the management of our wild horses.
I want to express huge gratitude to the many people I spoke with who shared their wisdom and their contributions to this cause:
Mary Ann Simonds is an Equine Ethologist/Ecologist, who has researched and documented our wild horse herds and the range they live on for over 40 years, www.maryannsimonds.com
Kate Solisti is the author of Conversations with Horse, www.katesolisti.com.
Michelle Sander is the founder of the Great Escape Mustang Sanctuary and the creator of the Sand Wash Advocate Team, a group of volunteers that advocate and care for the wild horse herd that lives in the Sand Wash Basin just north of Maybell, Colorado, michelle@greatescapsanctuary.org
Come out to the ranch and work with me and the mustang colts we adopted last year. They teach me the importance and the privilege of connecting with wild animals, and with the wildness within ourselves.