Support from the Nature Spirits

Lovey Dovey connecting with Kristi during her equine-guided session.

Lovey Dovey connecting with Kristi during her equine-guided session.

There are precious moments in the natural world where a portal opens, and magic enters. In April, a young female mourning dove arrived at the ranch. She was not afraid of people, and she allowed us to come very close, feed her out of our hand, and even gently stroke her chest. I named her, “Lovey Dovey.” For a short time, she participated in sessions with clients.

Here is the story of one of those enchanted sessions:

Upon entering the round pen with Julietta the horse on a blustery April day, Kristi declared that her inquiry was to clarify, “What is my path? Who am I now? “How do I, a sensitive person who doesn’t have a wall up, navigate this world?”  

Kristi is healing from a brain injury caused by a car accident.

She began speaking about this in broad strokes; “I want to do something that will contribute to others. I can see that someday when I am completely healed, I could do something that will help others experiencing the same type of injury as me.”

Then, she started identifying her fears and limiting beliefs:  

“I am afraid of failure… I am afraid to take that next step… There is some comfort in being the victim.”

Julietta held the space for Kristi to go deep into her inquiry, standing by her side and going into a trance. In retrospect, I see that Julietta acted as the bridge between what Kristi could see about her current reality, and what was possible to see and feel about the truth she desired.

Lovey Dovey was a considerable contribution to this session. She sat by me on the rail of the round pen, cooing throughout the session. At a pivotal point, Lovey Dovey flew down to the ground, walked over to Kristi’s feet, and stayed there for a long time. Then, she flew back to the fence and cooed for us again! What a wonderful blessing and support she was! It was tacitly evident that she approached Kristi to awaken her imagination and awareness of invisible support.

I looked up “dove” in one of my favorite books on animal medicine, Animal Speak, by Ted Andrews. Here is what he has to say:

Dove Medicine: Feminine Energies of Peace, Maternity and Prophecy

Cycle of Power: Dawn and Dusk

“The dove has a tremendous wealth of lore and legend surrounding it, most of which centers around the traditional feminine and mother symbols. Because of its association with many goddesses, it was considered the embodiment of the maternal instinct. The Pueblo Indians honored the dove and used its feathers to adorn their prayer sticks. The song of the dove was believed to be an indication of where water could be found. 

Its song would signify waterholes or springs to which the dove must return at dusk to drink.

The dove’s song is its most distinctive characteristic. The voice of the dove is the rain song. Out of its mourning, it invokes new waters of life. 

Its song should remind us that no matter what happens, our life conditions, new waters, and new life are still possible. 

The earth is a female planet, and this should remind us that creations and new birth are available to all of us upon it.

Although its song is heard throughout the day, it seems more distinct at dawn and dusk. These are the “between times” – a time in which there is a thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual, the past and the future. The dove can help you use these times to see the creation process active within your own life.

The song of this totem tells you to mourn what has passed but awaken to the promise of the future. It is a bird of prophecy and can help you to see what you can give birth to in your life.” 

– Animal Speak, by Ted Andrews

