Recently, I have been going outside early in the mornings to honor the new day, receive warm kisses from the Sun, and do some grounding. I have a renewed curiosity in grounding, also referred to as “earthing,” as I recently read that not only does it reduce pain and inflammation, but also increases blood flow, better sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. Having recently had a shoulder surgery, I am searching for all of the above!
We are bioelectrical beings. When we ground, we electrically plug ourselves back into our planet, which redistributes the energy out of our overused heads down into our bodies. Our cells transmit electrical messages that run our heart, nervous system, immune system and muscles. The earth is essentially a massive battery that is replenished by solar radiation, and 5,000 lightning strikes that hit somewhere in the world every minute. How synchronistic that we are literally standing on our own recharging station!
The act of grounding is not complicated. You simply go outside, take off your shoes, and walk, stand, or sit on the earth for at least 30 minutes. The rubber soles of our shoes insulate our feet from connecting to the electrical charge that the earth emanates. If it is too cold to take off your shoes, just sit on a rock. You need only one point of contact with the dirt, rock, sand, or grass to recharge.
Ten years of scientific research has shown that disconnection from the Earth’s electrical charge may be the cause of the increase in pain and chronic illness that plagues our world, and has also documented many case studies that affirm the healing energy of grounding.
So, go outside, kick off those flip flops, and do the hoochi coochie dance with Mother Earth!